Milford & Makeney W.I.


IN 2024!
Come along for an interesting meeting tea/coffee and often cake!

Milford & Makeney Women’s Institute meets every first Monday of each month at Duffield Baptist Chapel, Makeney Road, Duffield at 2.00pm.

Recently members of Milford and Makeney WI enjoyed a delicious afternoon tea at Makeney Hall on Monday, 5th February, to celebrate our 40th Birthday.

Our next meeting is on Monday, 3rd June 2024 at 2 o’clock in
Duffield Baptist Church (beside A6). Our speaker will be Dave Mooney and his subject Traditions and Customs of the East Midlands.

We are a small, friendly WI (plenty of talk and tea and coffee!) and are trying to maintain our local identity. We would love to see you if you are interested in the WI and have a Monday afternoon free.
Thank you,
Josie McCormick

For more information call Josie on 01773 825478