MMCG Constitution


1.  The name of the Association shall be Milford and Makeney Community Group

2.  The object of the Association shall be:

– To promote the interests of the Milford and Makeney Community in relation to a range of issues including:

– Housing and Development, Education, Health, Heritage, Environment, Transport infrastructure,

– Economic, Tourism, Sport and Recreation

3.   The Association shall consist of persons who live, work or participate in community activities within the villages of Milford and Makeney.

4.  The officers shall consist of a Chairperson, Vice- Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary who shall be ex-officio members of the Committee

5.  The affairs of the Association shall be conducted by a Committee of eleven members. Officers shall retire at each AGM but shall be eligible for re-election. Officers shall not be eligible to hold any office for more then three consecutive years. There will be a rolling retirement of the Committee with three members retiring at the Annual General Meeting. A quorum at Committee meetings shall be no less than six members.

6.  All meetings, including AGMs, must be minuted and available to any interested party.

7.   The Committee may delegate its’ powers to sub-committees consisting of such Committee members and other persons as it thinks fit.

8.   The Annual General Meeting, at which the audited accounts and Secretary’s Report shall be submitted, and Officers and Committee for the ensuing year elected, shall be held during January of each year. Other General meetings shall be held at such times as the Committee or meetings shall determine.

Fourteen clear days notice shall be given of any General Meeting. Such meetings shall be adequately publicised and its purpose shall be clearly stated. Special General Meetings shall be called on the request in writing of at least ten members

9.   The Committee shall open a bank account in the name of the association with such bank as the Committee may select, and all monies received from any source by the Secretary or treasurer on behalf of the organisation shall be paid into such account. Cheques shall be signed by the Treasurer and one other officer. To cover small scale payments, petty cash cheques not exceeding £20 shall be drawn.

10. An Auditor shall be appointed, not a member of the Committee, to audit the accounts and submit their report to the Annual General Meeting.

11. The Associations aims shall not be party political in nature.

12. The constitution shall not be amended except by a two-thirds majority of members present in a general meeting

13. Proposals for amendments to this constitution, or dissolution (see Clause 14) must be delivered to the secretary in writing. The secretary in conjunction with all other officers shall then decide on the date of a meeting to discuss such proposals, giving at least two weeks (14 days) clear notice.

14. Dissolution -The group may be wound up at any time if agreed by two thirds of those members present and voting at any general meeting. Any assets shall be returned to their providers, if they require it, or shall be passed to another group with similar aims or a charity decided upon by the Committee.