This is the page where you can download previous MMCG Newsletters. Just click on each date.
March: Safer Crossing Near the Shops? / Do you run A Local Business? 2013.03
July: Milford Mayor Deborah Biss / More Funds Raised for Church’s Rewiring 2013.06
March: Play Area / red Telephone Kiosk / Milford’s Bell Found 2012.03
November: Milford Mills Development / Parish Church Appeal / Wildlife in Milford 2012.11
March: Flashing Road Signs / Telephone Box under threat / A poem about the Knit Knatter Group 2011.03
October: Herbs for All / Milford Social Club changes / East Midlands in Bloom Award / Local Hydroelectric Power 2011.10
September: Derwent Riverside Event / Open Gardens / Village Hall Project 2010.09