Blooming Milford News

The Spring Garden at Hopping Mill Meadow, set up in March (see here for article) was officially “opened” on 28th September 2020.

Gary Hans, of AMG Wealth Management in Allestree, provided the funding for the plants installed in March, and he is seen above with Blooming Milford members just as the new perspex sign was installed.

The garden is dormant at this time of the year, so Blooming Milford have recently taken the opportunity to add extra mulch (donated by Mark Hudson, local tree surgeon) and planted 300 bulbs bought from their funds (anemones, Dutch irises, cyclamen, tulips and daffodils). They are also planning to add more bulbs “in the green” in the late winter (tete-a-tete daffodils, snowdrops and aconites) which, combined with the existing planting. should make the garden a riot of colour in the spring.

Meanwhile over at The Triangle much weeding and pruning has been undertaken over the last month and mulch from Mark Hudson added here too. There’s much colour in the garden at present; the pictures below show the Blooming Milford maintained part and the Belper Town Council bedding at the front.


Blooming Milford maintained section of Triangle September 2020

Belper Town Council bedding on The Triangle September 2020

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