Christmas Star now displayed at Milford Baptist Church

In 2021 members of Milford Craft Group – funded by Fleet Arts – created a Christmas Star which was displayed by the flagpole on The Triangle. This year, Milford Baptist Church has been pleased to provide a site for the star, outside the Chapel on Chevin Rd over the Christmas period, starting on the 11th of December.

Residents of Milford together with any passers-by are invited to write a prayer or express a thought or a Christmas hope on a luggage label and tie it to the star. This can be done at any time and labels and pens will be provided in a plastic tub on the bench at the top of the stairs for people to come and go as they please.

The Chapel will be serving free coffee, tea and mince pies on Saturday Dec 17th from 10am-12 noon. You are warmly invited to pop in.

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