Eric Slinn, former Milford Postmaster, has died

Lyn Crowther from Milford has informed us of the death of a former resident Eric Slinn.
As Lynn writes: ‘Eric and his wife Norma kept the Milford News & Post Office for about 7 years until its closure in 2004. They were well liked, respected by and popular with their customers.
I had the privilege of working in the Post Office with Norma and consequently my husband, Norma, Eric and I were great friends and have remained so over the last 10 years.
After their retirement they had to return to Australia to look after Norma’s ageing mother and be there for other family members. Over the last few years they travelled across Australia and finally settled in a place called McClarren Vale, South Australia.

Eric had a short battle with cancer and passed away on June 1st of this year.

Norma and Eric kept in touch with a few of Milford residents and Norma would like to thank all who sent cards and messages on her sad loss. Norma and Eric have lived along side Michelle and Brian Milne since Michelle and her hubby emigrated to Australia and were welcomed by The Slinns. Michelle was at one time the Milford school crossing warden on Derby Road.’

Thanks to Lynn for this information.

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