Fancy doing a bit of digging?

Fancy doing a bit of digging? The latest project at the Milford Community GreenSpace is to set up 3 raised beds for the school children to grow vegetables in, and we are after volunteers to help prepare the ground.

The Milford Community GreenSpace was started in July 2020 to provide a green space for the Milford Primary School children during school hours and for the rest of the community outside school hours. We have made great progress since then as can be seen in the article posted earlier this month (here) and our webpage (here).

Our latest project is to set up 3 raised beds for the school children to grow vegetables in. We have ordered seed potatoes, onion sets, beetroot, climbing French beans, pumpkins and courgettes, and recently obtained sufficient scaffolding planks to make the raised beds and brought these onto the site. We really need the raised beds to be ready by the end of March so we can plant the potatoes out and this is where we would really appreciate help digging the site. We have marked out the areas of the 3 beds with canes and need them to be dug over and levelled (they are on a slope), and roots and stones/rocks removed. We do have spades available on the site if you don’t have one of your own. You can come up to the site at any time, but please contact Kate on 07794 268059 to check social distancing is possible.

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