Belper Neighbourhood Plan – Have your say about Milford & Makeney


Derwent Mills Project.

The Belper Neighbourhood Plan – which affects us here in Milford & Makeney – is all about people living in this area joining together to comment on how we would like our town to develop over the next 10 to 15 years.

The plan aims to give local people a unique opportunity to shape a vision of the future of the town and the wider parish.

The Town Council is aiming to produce a ‘strong planning document reflecting local flavour that the town and its outlying settlements have long needed.’

A few issues raised from the first ‘Community and Leisure’ meeting were: poor usage of the River Derwent for pleasure; the need for a ‘community hub’ both virtual and practical; overcrowded schools; and under provision of Adult and Further Education.

The purpose of future meetings are to feed back the views given so far and further discuss and refine them. Gradually the topics covered will be grouped into policies that future planners have to acknowledge.  A local referendum will be held in May 2017.

The second feedback meeting on  ENERGY AND INFRASTRUCTURE is on       Wednesday 27TH July , 7.30 pm at Milford Social Club.

All are welcome.  There has been a lot of interesting feedback so far about how we can create a sustainable and forward looking town which meets the needs of all our residents. Come and give us your thoughts and hear from others.

We will then in the autumn be getting all these views collated and prepared into a first draft report of the plan for final comment and consultation.


So please come along and help include your views on how our town should be developed and encouraged over the next decades.

If you want to express views but cannot make any of the meetings, please e-mail or write to NP4B, St. John’s Chapel, The Butts, Belper, Derbyshire, DE56.1HX.




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