Derbyshire Life Article 2011

Milford and Makeney - Derbys Life - 2011 001-Edit‘A land of mills and honey’ is an article about Milford & Makeney which appeared in the February 2011 issue of Derbyshire Life magazine.

It was written by Ashley Franklin who has lived in Milford since 1977 and is now the webmaster for this website.

In the article, Ashley quotes Derbyshire historian Roy Christian who wrote in his 1978 book Derbyshire that ‘Milford has rarity value as a sort of living museum of industrial housing.’

Local resident said: ‘I have never lived anywhere that has this unique mix of community spirit, beautiful rural setting and easy access to the rest of the country.’

The article delves into the history of Milford & Makeney – telling how a loose association of farms was transformed by Jedidiah Strutt into a working mill village – and also includes observations on the living heritage of the buildings by architect Derek Latham, and a close look at the village of now, although obviously there have been several changes and developments since 2011.

To read the whole article, click on the PDF Derbyshire Life – Milford & Makeney 2011