Local Businesses

Milford & Makeney have many small businesses, most of them hidden as they are home-based.  As you’ll see, there are some experienced, useful professional people in our community. We hope you’ll support your local trades!

If you live in Milford & Makeney and run a business from home or near to home e.g. Belper, Duffield, please let us know.  Send as many details as you can and try and include a photo and/or logo. Publicity is free.

To see the individual pages of the following businesses, just click on their names.


CONNECTAPHONE -David Warren, who lives on Derwent Avenue, is a former BT telephone, TV and internet engineer who can help with telephone, broadband, wi-fi, TV or Satellite problems


RIVERBANK FLORISTRY– bespoke floral business run from her home at 1 The Bridge, Milford


SQUEAKY CLEANERS – cleaning company run by Ceri from her Hopping Hill home


PAUL MABLE HOME IMPROVEMENTS – Paul Mable, who lives just off Bridge View in Milford, has over 20 years experience specialising in UPVC products – windows, doors, conservatories, soffit and fascia, guttering and he also carries out repairs.


EILEEN STRONG – HOLISTIC THERAPIST– Eileen Strong, who lives on Derwent Avenue, Milford, is a fully qualified, professional Holistic Therapist with a practice in Suite 10, Moss House, 65 King Street, Belper. See here for more detail.