Litter picking in Milford

Would you like the help keep Milford tidy by joining helping litter picking every 4-6 weeks?

The plan is to start some litter picking and path clearance on a regular basis – probably every 4-6 weeks depending upon interest. The first one was on the 10th January 2020, starting at the play park and then then going up the small footpath that leads to the allotments and Bridge View. 8 bin bags of rubbish were picked, and there was a good attendance, as can be seen fromLitter pick Jan 2020 the photo.


On the day we brought items along for clearing vegetation and picking litter, but in the future Amber Valley Council will provide the equipment. If anyone would like to join in, please contact Kate Tuck by text on 07794268059 and she will put together a WhatsApp group.

The next litter picking session is scheduled for 10.30am on Sunday 2nd February, starting at the entrance to the riverside walk on the A6, opposite the war memorial at the bottom of Hopping Hill. All welcome!

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