May Day a Great Day

Milford May Day 2016 006After two previous years of dodgy weather, the sun shone on the Milford May Day Celebrations and attracted a sizeable amount of revellers – some in costume – who gathered at the Holly Bush, Angelo’s, Social Club and Primary School and joined in the parade and the festivities.

Milford May Day 2016 019The Shakespeare theme saw much supping of mead (and chips) with the Maids of the Mill – decked out in fetching red and black doublet and hose – providing a dance display incorporating references to Measure to Measure (cue dancing measuring wheel) and Hamlet (‘Happiness is a cigar’).

Milford May Day 2016 025There was further dancing provided by guest troupe Heage Windmillers.

As always, the music throughout was provided by Milford Brass and there was much merriment when the maypole was unfurled, with dancers – young and old – skipping round the pole.

The Primary School Fair was very well attended with much sipping of tea and gorging of cake and lots of stalls inside and out.

May Day 2016 01Well dressings were again created by the school and Holly Bush Inn, and the day ended with a ceilidh at Nealies.

Photos by Webmaster Ashley – more to come!





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