The development of the Milford Community GreenSpace has continued apace over the last month despite the pandemic, with the volunteers working alone or in shifts in order to stay safe but get the jobs done. The clearance is largely complete, so the focus has been on adding features that will be of benefit to the school pupils and the community, and the space has undergone quite a transformation.
Following on from the December update, a large wooden wigwam (donated by the Winson family) and new wooden shed have been installed, and the foundations laid for a composting toilet (these constructions are all along the fence) by Howard Morris.

Wigwam close up
In the last month two large efforts to collect bark chip (total 90 x 40 litre bags) from Sheilagh Harnon on Sunny Hill and Mark Hudson in Old Quarry Wood cottage, carry it to the Green Space, and spread it, were undertaken by the volunteers. A total of 135 x 40 litre bags of chipped bark has now been laid on the site! All this has made the paths around much drier and allowed us to extend them to every corner, for example right to the toilet foundations.
25 logs were provided by Mark Hudson and these carried to the GreenSpace and a new story telling area created using these as seats (just to right of the original area, now a den building space).

Story telling area
The spring that has appeared just below the wall at the back has been channelled into a stream, which is proving to be a very popular play area for the children.

Water feature
The pallets previously given to the site were deconstructed into planks in a couple of volunteer sessions and and a more permanent composting toilet is in the process of being created by Howard from these planks. At present a toilet tent is on the foundations.

More permanent composting toilet being created by Howard
The Forest School run by Kate Tuck has been using the Green Space regularly since 12th January with sessions twice a week. As part of their work, homes are being built for Wood Elves!

Wood elves
As ever we have plenty more work to do and are still looking for volunteers to help us. If you have any time to spare then please take a look at the list below and let the group know (via Kate Tuck on 07794268059) if you would like to help and when you are available so that we can maintain social distancing.
GreenSpace Tasks for the next month
-Construct raised beds (materials are currently being sourced)
-Deconstruct pallets
-Make strawberry shelves
-Make the chipped bark bins safe as there is currently a big drop that isn’t safe for the children
-Complete steps up to newly planted fruit trees
-Saw down trees and remove ivy to allow access to the rest of the site
-Create a notice board for the entrance to the site to inform the community about the exciting things we are doing
-Create storage/shelving in the shed