Open afternoon and celebration of beekeeping
Local beekeeper Chris Ring has just moved one of his beehives to his empty allotment in Milford (Plot 21, Bridge View Allotments, Milford DE56 0RJ). He invited the village to come and learn more about bees and beekeeping on Saturday 3rd September 1.30 – 3.30pm and this proved popular – about 25 people came. The allotment is directly above the Community Greenspace and fairly overgrown – which suits the bees very well. There are large damson, apple and hawthorn trees present, all ideal for the bees, and Chris intends to plant more bee friendly plants.

Chris Ring’s first hive on Bridge View allotments, Milford
Chris put the queen and some of the bees in an observation hive so they could be seen at work in the hive without the audience having to wear bee suits. Chris answered the audience’s questions about bees and bee keeping and had books and leaflets on the subject. Honey was also for sale, which proved very popular.

Observation hive close up

Observation hive and audience
Chris intends to bring a second hive to his plot and also to give further talks and demonstrations. Contact Chris on 07946 670768 for any further information.