The garden of Chevin Brae, Morrells Lane, Chevin Road, Milford will open for the Yellow Book scheme on Saturday 28th March 2020 1pm – 5pm.

Chevin Brae garden March 2017
The 1 acre garden has extensive plantings of daffodils in the orchard and beyond which are a real feature at this time of year. It is bounded by Hoppinghole Wood on two sides and the woodland margins are planted with drifts of snowdrops, aconites, cyclamen, anemones, cilla siberica, dog tooth violets, sweet violets, primroses, summer snowflakes, bluebells, fritillaries and Star of Bethlehem. In the more formal flower borders hellebores, camellias, hyacinths, cowslips and oxlips should be in flower. The garden has extensive views over The Chevin and up the Derwent Valley.

Hellebores February 2020
Refreshments are available, all baking is home made, featuring fruit and jam from the garden. The entrance fee is £3 for adults, children free. Tea/coffee with a slice of cake/pie is £2. Dogs welcome on leads. All proceeds from the entrance fees and refreshments go to the Yellow Book charities (Macmillan Cancer Support, Marie Curie Cancer Care and others). In addition there will be a plant stall and proceeds from that go to Blooming Milford to use in their work to enhance the village public areas with flowers, bulbs and trees.
Parking is limited at Chevin Brae so it is suggested you park on Chevin Road and walk up. Please note that although the back garden is gently sloping the front garden has a steep drive and steps.