As residents will be well aware, Chevin Road has been closed, near the railway bridge towards to top of Swainsley Bank, on and off for over 2 months March – May 2022, due to strengthening work on the nearby railway embankment, as can be seen in the picture below.
QTS, the contractors doing the work, are well aware of the disruption this has caused so have very kindly offered their services for various tidying jobs around the village as a way of saying thank you for our patience. This May they have already cleared the verge at the bottom of Jackson’s Lane, improving visibility, cleared areas of undergrowth along the riverside in Hopping Mill Meadow that Blooming Milford plan to develop later in the year and completely tidied the historic sluice gate mechanism platform nearby.

QTS workers about to start on riverside clearance
With their superior tools and expertise they have done in a day what would have taken many days for local volunteers and we are very grateful for their help.
In more detail here are pictures of the verge at the bottom of Jackson’s Lane, before, during and after the QTS work.
Here are pictures of the Hopping Mill Meadow riverside near the weir before, during and after the QTS work.
Here is a close up of the historic sluice mechanism platform, which has been completely cleared of vegetation.

Sluice gate mechanism platform cleared