Road works with temporary traffic lights were installed on the A6 between the Strutt Arms and the Derwent bridge on the second week in December 2021 by Severn-Trent following evidence of sewage leaks.
Unfortunately Severn-Trent’s plans showed the sewage pipe to be running alongside the A6 in the verge nearest The Strutt Arms, but on excavation it was discovered the pipe actually ran under the A6 and this is where the leak was. The leak was fixed, the A6 surface repaired and the verge topsoil replaced and grass seed sown.

Verge restored after roadworks – minus 700 bulbs
Sadly the verge contains the large display of 3500 daffodils planted by Blooming Milford in 2009 and about 1/5 of these, or 700 bulbs, have been removed as a result of the Severn-Trent excavations. Fortunately Severn-Trent have kindly provided the monies to replace the bulbs to Blooming Milford, who still have their original planting plans. Blooming Milford will now replace the missing bulbs with the same types and in the same planting plan in autumn 2022, meaning the display should hopefully be returned to its former glory (seen in the 2021 picture below) by spring 2023.