Open Garden in Milford Saturday 22nd March 2025

Chevin Brae, Morrells Lane, Chevin Road, Milford will be opening its garden to the public again at 1-5pm on Saturday 22nd March 2025, as part of the National Gardens Scheme (NGS, Yellow Book). All the money from the entrance fees (£3 per adult, children free) and tea and cake stall will go to the NGS charities such as Macmillan, Marie-Curie and Mind. The cakes and pastries are home made and feature jam and fruit from the garden. There will also be a plant, jam and marmalade stall raising money for Blooming Milford.

Pictures from March 2023 are shown below. As well as an impressive display of daffodils, visitors will be treated to lovely displays of hellebores, hyacinths and camellias.

A video of the garden was taken for the Horticulturist magazine on 16th February 2024 and can be seen here.

The garden is scheduled to open formally again on Saturday 16th August 2025, but it can be visited by arrangement at any time. For details see the National Garden Scheme website here

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