In July we reported that there had been very little activity on the Milford Mills site in the previous 6 months. This was because although the developers Wavensmere had submitted the latest iteration of the planning application for the proposed building of 67 houses on the Milford Mills site in May 2023 (see here for more details) and Amber Valley Borough Council (AVBC) had finally approved it in December 2023, there were 75 conditions. Going through each condition and providing proof to satisfy AVBC that each had been met proved to be very slow. This has now finally been completed, and in the last month residents will have noticed the roadworks on the A6 as water and gas were connected to the site.
Now Portacabins and building materials have appeared on site (see photo below) and building of the houses will finally begin, a process which will take 2 years according to Wavensmere.